Project «PROTEAS» – Advanced system for collection and management of analytical data for documentation and conservation of large-scale paintings in an open laboratory, is implemented in the framework of the RESEARCH – CREATE – INNOVATE action and is co-funded by the EU’s European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and national resources from the operational program “Competitiveness, Entrepreneurship & Innovation” (EPAnEK) (project code: T2EDK-02428).
Three Research Institutes participate in the project: (i) the Institute of Computer Science (ICS) of the Foundation for Research and Technology-Hellas (FORTH) with the Laboratories of Information Systems and Machine Vision and Robotics, (ii) the Institute of Electronic Structure and Laser of FORTH with the Laboratory of Photonics for Heritage Science, and (iii) the Institute of Nuclear and Particle Physics with the Laboratory of X-ray Spectrometry from the National Centre for Scientific Research (NCSR) “Demokritos”. Two companies, Printec Hellas SA and Up2Metric P.C. are also involved in the project. The National Gallery – Alexandros Soutsos Museum (EPMAS) is the cultural partner in the project and Mrs. E. Agathonikou, Head of Collections Department at the National Gallery, is the scientific coodinator. FORTH’s Institute of Computer Science is the project coordinator.

The underlying idea of PROTEAS project is familiarizing the public with the work of art conservators and researchers, and through this process, also with the materials and techniques employed and the historical context of artworks. PROTEAS project aims as well, at acquainting the public with the creator’s message and the ways of expression. Important for implementing this idea, is to establish an open channel of communication among curators, conservators and researchers.
Modern technology supports this communication through
a) portable analytic devices, b) flexible robotic arrangements, and c) advanced information systems that allow an integrated, innovative approach to documentation, management and presentation of the information gathered during the conservation of artwork.
The PROTEAS research project includes an Open-Access Laboratory for in-situ research and conservation of large paintings with the use of innovative technologies. The Open-Lab is primarily addressed to professionals and scientists working in the field of Cultural Heritage, but it will also be designed in a way to provide access to the public in order to contribute to public information and awareness.

The public will be able to interact with the Open-Lab both by physical presence, and various digital applications.
The large painting that will be conserved is Charles Louis Lucien Müller’s “March 30, 1814“, (dimensions: 4.45 x 8.45 m., inv.no: Π.161), which belongs to the National Gallery Collection.
Project website: http://proteas-project.eu/
Category: National
Funding Agency: EPAnEk – NSRF 2014-2020
Programme: RESEARCH – CREATE – INNOVATE (2nd cycle)
Coordinator: Institute of Computer Science – FORTH
Start Date: 28.07.2020
Expiration Date: 27.07.2023
Duration: 36 months
Total Budget: 931911,00€
Related URL: http://proteas-project.eu
Partners: Institute of Computer Science – FORTH, Institute of Electronic Structure and Laser – FORTH, Institute of Nuclear and Particle Physics – NCSR «DEMOKRITOS», National Gallery – Alexandros Soutsos Museum, PRINTEC HELLAS S.M.S.A. , Up2Metric P.C.